[Phase diagrams and Thermodynamic Properties of Ternary copper-Silver Systems]
Y. Austin Chang, Daniel Goldberg*, and Joachim P. Neumann
Phase diagram and thermodynamic data for twenty ternary copper-silver-X alloy system - where X represents Al, Au, Cd, Fe, Ge, In, Mg, Mn, Ni, P, Pb, Pd, Re, S, Sb, Se, Sn, Te, Ti or Zn - were complied and critically evaluated. Of the twenty ternary systems, thermodynamic data are available for only the seven systems containing Au, Pb, Pd, S, Sn, Te and Zn. The high-temperature phase relationships in the iron-rich region of the Cu-Fe binary system were also evaluated and recommended phase diagrams is presented.
1. Introduction 621
2. Format of Presentation 622
2.1 Phases adn Structures 622
2.2 Phase Diagrams 622
2.3 Thermodynamic Properties 623
2.4 References 623
2.5 Tables 623
2.6 Figures 623
3. General References 623
4. Persnnel 624
5. Acknowledgments 624
6. Phase Diagrams and Thermodynamic Properties of Ternary Copper-Silver-X Systems 625
Cu-Ag-Al 625
Cu-Ag-Au 627
Cu-Ag-Cd 629
Cu-Ag-Fe and Cu-Fe 633
Cu-Ag-Ge 635
Cu-Ag-In 637
Cu-Ag-Mg 641
Cu-Ag-Mn 642
Cu-An-Ni 643
Cu-Ag-P 645
Cu-Ag-Pb 646
Cu-Ag-Pd 647
Cu-Ag-Re 651
Cu-Ag-S 651
Cu-Ag-Sb 655
Cu-Ag-Se 656
Cu-Ag-Sn 659
Cu-Ag-Te 665
Cu-Ag-Ti 666
Cu-Ag-Zn 669
♧필자의 견해
Cu alloy에 대한 조성을 개발할 경우, 위 상태도를 필히 검토해야 한다. 이종원소에 따라 전율고용체를 형성하는지 석출물을 형성하는지 등이 검토가 되어야 물리적, 기계적 성질들을 예상할 수 있다.
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